Doug And Jennifer Cassel
-- More Of His Grace
![Doug And Jennifer Cassel -- More Of His Grac](dougandjennifercasselmoreofhisgrace.jpg) |
Price: $14.95 (Includes Shipping) Availability: In Stock
(Ships in 24 Hours) Product#: FMM-99324-CD Format:
CD Released: 1999 Label: Faith Music Missions Description:
Male-Female Duet with Guitar Total Playing Time: 30:53 |
This recording is listed under:
-- MALE-FEMALE (Duets and Groups)
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MY COMMENTS: This Male-Female Duet who's
singing is that of a "down home" country bluegrass style.
The message inside the CD cover reads... We would like to
dedicate "Our Future Now" to Pastor Terry Anglea. It was because of
his preaching, that the Lord touched my heart with the fact that the
"immediate" is not worth sacrificing on the altar of the future. There
are those who see what God sees. They see what we could be someday.
This recording is dedicated to four other people who have encouraged us to
be all we can be for Christ:
To our parents, Pastor Alan & Vicki Cassel and Pastor Gary &
Sheila Biggs.